My Journey to Becoming a Blogger

First Seven Months

Wow! What a journey this has been! How did it all begin? My husband received an email about a Free 5 -day course about how to start a money-making blog. The email was from It’s a Lovely Life, he said to me, “Why don’t you sign up for this”, so, I did. Being a blogger had never crossed my mind before that. I had been an insurance agent, mostly in customer service, for most of my adult life. When I met Terry in 2011, I was living about 55 miles away from him. When we married in 2012, I moved into his house. That meant that I was now “retired” from the insurance business. I was living 55 miles away from where I had called home for over 10 years. All my friends were there, but I was starting a new life, in a new city. I was pretty lost for a while. I began doing small jobs like; selling on eBay, helping Terry with his non-profit business, and being an Uber driver. It always seemed like I had too much time on my hands and I wasn’t happy about that. I wanted something to do that would make a difference and that I could be proud of.

Taking the 5-day online course

I figured that I didn’t have anything to lose by taking the 5-day online course, “Start a money-making blog”.

I started the online course in April 2019. I didn’t understand it all and I didn’t always complete the assignment each day. It took me a little longer than 5 days to absorb all the information. After I finished the 5-day course, I was given more free information with WP fast Launch. The wealth of information I received with “WP fast Launch” got me the rest of the way with topics like;

  • How to start your blog with WordPress
  • Initial set-up with Bluehost
  • Working with Themes
  • Working with Posts, Pages, and Categories
  • Working with Menus in WordPress
  • WordPress Editor
  • Media, Photos & Videos
  • Widgets
  • Users & comments
  • Plugins
  • How to Launch

*This post may contain affiliate links. If you click on a link and make a purchase, I will receive a small commission at no additional cost to you*

I also have to say that Heather & Pete from “It’s a Lovely Life” were so supportive and provided a ton of information and learning tools. Every week they would produce a video or send me an email that gave me encouragement and kept me on task. I designed my Logo in May 2019 through Looka they made it really easy and inexpensive to design my own Logo. I launched my website on 6/07/19 with 10 published posts.

I continued to educate myself on various subjects; SEO(search engine optimizer), how to include popular keywords to help my posts be found in search engines, improving the look of my website, promoting my posts on social media, creating a PIN, etc… This was exhausting and hard! I wasn’t really getting anywhere, at least not very quickly! After several months of “self-teaching”, I decided to take advantage of the course Pete & Heather(It’s a Lovely Life) was offering, Blogging Blastoff 2.0 which was a 30-day course, there is a cost for this course, it starts new at the beginning of each month. I believe Pete and Heather are honest people who sincerely want to help other bloggers succeed. I found this course to have a wealth of valuable information! It contains so much information, that you will be referring back to it over and over again! The cost includes 2-year access to the course material. Here are a few topics from this course;

  • Inspirational videos from Pete & Heather
  • Traits of successful bloggers
  • Money making systems
  • Site design and layout
  • Getting your name out there
  • The Business of blogging
  • The Ideal blog post
  • Compliance
  • Motivation and goal setting
  • Social Media
  • Email List
  • Traffic

I took this 30-day course in December 2019, and I’m still going back each day to re-read things that I may have missed the first time. This course is available to me for 2 years, which is wonderful! These courses included membership in 2 different Facebook groups; the “Start a Blogging Business”, and the “VIP Blogging Blastoff” group. These groups were a lifesaver to me! I was able to ask all kinds of questions and get the support I desperately needed. Also, each month, Pete & Heather(It’s a Lovely Life) hosts a “10K Traffic challenge”(NO LONGER OFFERED). The idea is for other bloggers to support one another. Each one of the 10 days has a lesson and assignment. If you complete each day you WILL increase your social media followers and your subscriber list.

Bloggers supporting one another is crucial for success!

You can find other social media sharing threads for bloggers on each of the social media platforms. This is where you can list a link to your blog posts and get responses from other bloggers. It’s a wonderful thing!

What has to be done to maintain My blog

My goal is to publish at least one new Post each week. Once I publish a Post, I have several things I need to do to promote it.

  • Post a link on my Facebook page
  • Post a link on Twitter
  • Create a PIN and a link to my blog on Pinterest
  • Post a photo and description on Instagram
  • Send an email to my contacts with photos and a link to my blog

I’m not sure how other bloggers do it, maybe they are better with time management. In fact, I’m sure most of them ARE better with time management! This is a skill I am still trying to perfect. Before I started this journey, my only social media presence was on Facebook, and I wasn’t on that every day. I believe now, that the only way to succeed is to maintain a large following on ALL social media platforms! That takes time! I am finding creative ways to post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Whenever I find a few minutes, I am posting, liking, follow, retweeting, sharing. When do I find the time?

  • Wake up earlier each day
  • Stay up later at night
  • The drive-through line at McDonald’s
  • Before church starts
  • Before my husband’s basketball game starts, and half-time
  • Drive through at the bank
  • Waiting for food at a restaurant
  • TV commercials

A vision board is something new I’m trying this year, it’s very helpful to keep me on track and it’s inspirational too! I have a weekly focus and a daily task list. I also have; reminders to create new posts, post on social media, check my email, and improve my photography skills.

I am heading into the money-making end of the blogging business. First with some affiliate marketing and then hopefully with some sponsored posts. This is scary for me, but it will definitely help the household income. It’s been a crazy and wonderful journey! I have surprised myself and I think others as well. Most people will not understand why I do this and that’s ok! I have found something that I enjoy and it gives me purpose.

I would love to hear from my fellow bloggers and from those who may be considering it. Please leave a comment and sign up for my periodic emails to stay in touch, you will find the sign-up form in the sidebar. If you choose to start a blog, I know you will love it, and you will not be alone!

The Milo Tree pop-up is a great tool and very easy to set up on your website! Please check it out!

67 thoughts on “My Journey to Becoming a Blogger”

  1. What an awesome idea to share your journey. I think all bloggers can relate to the journey. It is definitely a process that is ever changing. It frustrates and fascinates me at the same time! Good luck as you continue to grow!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I took the 5-day in March and I also took the Blastoff course. Before I starting blogging, like you, I only knew Facebook. There was a HUGE learning curve for me that just wouldn’t have happened as easy without the courses. They are a must have and thanks for helping others by getting the word out.

  3. Thanks for sharing your story of how you became a blogger. It parallels mine in some aspects (like getting married in 2012), and wanting to earn a little money from blogging. Like you, I enjoy writing! I started my blog in 2018, but got serious about it in about June of last year. 2020 is the year I plan to also get serious about earnings through Affiliates and later through Comped Travel.
    Enjoy blogging; Best Wishes for Great success, I’ll be watching with interest 🤗

  4. I can totally relate to you with the time management thing! I work full time, but I’m always networking and building in between. I’m nearly 6 months in and I have come too far to quit. Thank you for sharing your journey!

  5. I’m so glad you enjoy it. I just started blogging in October, and I am trying really hard to increase my social media presence. Like you, I basically was only on FB, so all of the other forms of social media is new to me. I too would like to make money off of blogging. For now, I enjoy it, and I have 2 young boys who love reading my posts. For them, it’s like a journal of their lives.

  6. I’m with Lisa, the whole social media thing has lost its charm. Oddly enough Pinterest in particular for me, I used to love it. I’m only on month 9 and I’ve already morphed mine from a blog to a website with a blog, and thus shifted my writing focus. It’s a lot. You aren’t alone.

  7. It seems like to become a successful blogger, you need to work not full-time, but over-time. I agree, the social media sucks up all your free time, but hopefully will be rewarding one day. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I feel like I have learned to get something little done at every moment possible to make blogging work with my schedule. It’s definitely a fun and interesting ride!

  9. Hi Cathy – I did the same thing – well not everything you did, getting married etc. But I tried starting a blog without any help – whoa what a journey. Then came up on the 5 Day course. Took the Blastoff to Bloggin – highly recommend. Its been so helpful. Glad that you are enjoying it for sure. Best of luck in this new adventure for you.

  10. Best of luck with your blog. I admire how you have embraced lifelong learning and are sharing your journey with us. I’ve spent a lot of time journaling my thoughts, but a vision board seems like a logical next step for me too.

  11. I can relate a little to your blogging history too. Only difference is I never took any course. My biggest challenges have been spending more time on social media than I used to or than I want too. When I was overwhelmed I decided to search for bloggers on Facebook which led me to the Facebook groups and they’ve been really helpful.

  12. Good luck to you with your blog. I just started mine last January, and I took the time to learn one thing at a time, slowly working my way up to building the blog I want and learning as I go. So I highly recommend taking your time to learn the ins and outside of blogging from posting to marketing to monetizing. And you’ll find money making opportunities along the way.

  13. I’m very need to blogging as well, about 6 months. I haven’t taken a course as yet and will now look into the one you’ve mentioned. Thank you for sharing your experience so I could compare notes. It’s comforting to realize others are going through the same adjustment period.

  14. Thanks for sharing your journey. I can relate to many of these things as well. I haven’t been blogging quite as long. Only about three months I suppose. Good luck to you with the next steps of your blogging!

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