It has been a weird and interesting 7 weeks of “sheltering at home”. Several states have entered Phase 1 of the “Reopening America” plan. Our time at home may soon be coming to an end. As I reflect on the past 7 weeks, I have come up with some positive things that have happened from being stuck at home. I don’t know if you are having a hard time in isolation(I’m sure many are) or if you have been able to stay positive. The opinions in this post are my own and not intended to make light of the current situation.
List of 10 Positive Things
- More time with your significant other/spouse
- More time with your kids
- A renewed appreciation for nature
- Plenty of take-out containers
- Learning to cook or improving your cooking skills
- Taking an online class
- Learning a new skill
- Time for current hobbies; reading, writing, photography, etc..
- Learning a new hobby
- Working from home
More time with Loved Ones
How has it been to spend more time with the important people in your life? I have really enjoyed having my husband home, and working from home. It’s kind of a” trial run” to see how it will be when he retires. I really enjoyed it! He has been helping with housework and helping me care for my Mom, and we have spent more time talking. We don’t have children at home but we do have a dog and, WOW, does he love Dad being home! Are you enjoying spending more time with your family?

A Renewed Appreciation for Nature
I don’t know about you, but I have a renewed appreciation for nature. The ability to get out of the house and go for a walk has brightened my mood many days. I have definitely spent more time outside lately, whether it’s just walking in our yard and down by the lake, or going to a local park and walking a trail. What about you? Gardening has always been something I enjoy. Lately, we have both been spending more time doing yard work, including planting new flowers and spreading mulch. I never thought I would see my husband WANT to mow the lawn, but he does!

Plenty of Take-Out Containers!
The take-out containers have been a great addition to my collection! This is just kind of a silly thing, but I have noticed that some of the containers are worth keeping! We have tried to get take-out several times a week in an attempt to help some restaurants stay in business. I hope and pray that these restaurants will be able to stay in business until the time when they fully open, but when will that be?
Learn to Cook/Improve Cooking Skills
Social Media is full of recipes and photos of bread. Why are so many people making bread? Is it hard to find in the store or is it just a challenge for them? I bought some great sourdough bread from a friend, YUM! We have been cooking more at home and experimenting with new recipes. Delicious blueberry bread, banana nut bread, crescent roll hot pockets, and hashbrown waffles.

Taking an Online Class
Have you taken any online classes? Perfected your social media skills? There are many online classes to choose from, many are free! I have been working hard on my blog, improving my website, and on my social media skills? My husband has become an expert on Facebook live. He has posted almost daily videos to promote his non-profit ministry. We may be stuck at home for several more weeks, so I can still get my “To Do” list done and there’s always more to learn!
Learning a New Skill or Hobby
What are your hobbies? Do you have hobbies? I enjoy growing houseplants and photography. My husband raises tropical fish and has several aquariums in our house and garage. Is this an opportunity for a new hobby? Definitely! I know some of you are spread thin right now, being a parent, caregivers, teachers, and employers/employees. But, maybe it would be good to take some time for yourself. You could read a book, make something(crafty), grow something, cook, create a new product, get a new pet, or do any number of hobbies!

Working from Home
I have been working from home for several years now after “retiring” from the Insurance industry. If you are not used to working from home, how has it been for you? Are you as productive as you would be in the office? or maybe you are more productive at home? Some of you may not have a job to go back to, my heart truly breaks for you, have you been able to start a new job from home? Is there something new you could see yourself doing? Maybe this is a chance for some of us to start over. Have you ever thought about creating a blog? Here’s a link to a 5-day free online course. Start a blogging business
If you have already started your blog, why not go deeper and learn how to Monetize your blog with this important 30-day course Blogging Blastoff 2.0

No doubt, this time has been hard on many of us! We have never experienced anything like it, and I hope we never have to again! I can’t say it has been all bad. Am I tired of being stuck at home? YES! Is it hard to be a “Travel Blogger” when you can’t travel? YES! I believe there is light at the end of the tunnel! Can you see it? Should we pray for those having a hard time, YES! Should we pray for those most closely affected by this pandemic? Most definitely, YES! We even tried to do some camping from our driveway!

If you want to see if camping is for you, why not rent a camper, load up your family, and hit the road! RV Share is a great site to find all kinds of campers!
I know that my article is full of questions, this is just my attempt to get you to think a little. My prayer for all of us is that there has been at least one positive thing that has come from being in this situation, isolated, and staying home. Please comment, and let me know what positive things have you experienced during your time staying home? This could go on for several more months, we just don’t know. Please try to stay positive and look for good things!
**You may also enjoy reading; Is Camping a Good Option during the Pandemic? or Trains, Planes, and RVs

I enjoy your blog! So many nice things have happened. But it’s been hard too. Great job in focusing on the good things. I’m looking forward to retiring in 2021, so this has been a help for me to focus on that goal! Thanks so much for sharing.
Thanks! Retiring in 2021 sounds amazing! We are trying to get my husband to retirement…might have to semi-retire first.
I’ve definitely found lots of silver linings and positives from this situation. Noticing nature and walking round places in my neighbourhood I didn’t even know existed are just a couple 🙂
That’s great! I have found new places to explore close to home as well!
Hi Cathy: Those waffle hash browns look so yummy. As for the positives that have come out of this quarantine, I would have to say: have taken a few courses online, cleaned out various areas in my apartment, lots and lots of daily walks, more time to blog – so def some positives here. Now looking forward to going back to work, which should be soon, the store I work at opened back to public today. So I should be going back soon.
Have a great day. And thanks for sharing. 🙂
Thanks! I hope you can go back to work soon!
I still continued to go into work during all of this, so not much changed for me. However, my husband has been home during all of this and it’s been nice to have him home and be able to spend more time together. I also crossed some projects off my to do list. We’ve tried to do take out at least once a week at the local restaurants around our area, too.
Sounds good! Thanks for reading!
I really enjoyed being at home with my husband and spending time with my cats. Having some time to slow down and step back from the hustle of ordinary life was refreshing. As much as I look forward to seeing a concert again or traveling, I will always remember this time with nowhere to go and time to focus on family.
That sounds good! Thanks for reading!
I think it’s so interesting how this “shelter in place” has been different for everyone yet we are all doing it. For me, it meant less time doing my hobbies because I now had 3 children at home that I had to teach. But, it also meant every dinner was together instead of running to sports activities, so my cooking went through the roof! Regardless of how we’ve spent our time, I think we can all agree, there’s been a lot of positive to come out of this time.
It is interesting how we each cope with sheltering at home. I’m glad some positive things have come from it!
I love when people are able to look at the bright side of a dark time! Thank you!!! I too have had similar positive outcomes! One of my favorites is my children learning to cook some of our favorite foods and blogging more!
Cool! I’m glad you are experiencing some positive things too!
Love this. We always try to focus on the bright side in any situation. There have definitely been some positives during this time.
Thanks for reading!
Yes there are definitely positive outcomes. We’ve gotten so many “someday” projects done. I love how our backyard looks this year.
It hasn’t been all bad, we got a lot done too!
We have been focusing a bit more on the nature – it even seems that the birds and critters are out a bit more now that we have been inside more!
That’s true, I think there are more critters out and about!
Love your blog! Other than when I was home sick with bronchitis I have been working full time at Walmart! I look forward to retirement so I can enjoy all those things mentioned above!
I’m glad you have been able to work! Retirement will be nice!
Our state just recently began to reopen. I must say I was surprised to feel a twinge of sadness. I’m not quite ready for the rush of real life.
That’s understandable!
Well said! Too many focus on the negative outcomes of being at home, I always love to focus on the positives
At least we can look on the bright side! My list of ” 10 good things” has some similarities to yours. More family time is a huge perk for many, including myself!
I enjoyed your list! Thanks!
I have gotten a lot more comfortable in the kitchen during this break!
That’s cool! Thanks for reading!
I am a social drinker. We have run groups (I miss terribly) and then we go out and have a beer or three. While I miss all of that, I don’t miss the calories at all! My positive is that I have changed my eating habits, lost weight, and have been exercising more. I am actually worried about getting back to run group (like 3-4 times a week) in hopes that I can still cut out the beer carbs and pizza for afterwards!
I’m glad you have found some positive things. I understand, there are a lot of things that we all miss doing!
Great perspective! About 2 weeks before all of this happened my husband and I both quit our jobs to start our own businesses and travel around the US because we actually wanted to spend time together. We’re still getting to do that, but from home, so we really don’t have anything to complain about. We’re enjoying the time together.
Yay! It’s great to be able to spend time with our spouses!
I’ve been cooking more, but it doesn’t sound as yummy as what you’ve been making! Ha! You’re right though- there are some positives out of this and I think it’s important to remember those things in the midst of it all! Thanks for the reminder.
Cool! Thanks for reading!
These are some great positive outcomes! We’ve enjoyed being at home too, and all of the extra time we’ve had to cook more, learn new things and be together.
Awesome! Thanks for reading!
I’ve been enjoying working from home. The 2 hours/day I’ve gained by not commuting has allowed me to focus more on blogging and personal development. I love a good reusable take-out container too! 😊
Thanks for reading!
We are getting so much yard work done. It’s never looked so good. I think we will come out of this with a very different perspective.
I agree! Thanks for reading
So far my favorite thing is that my kids have been planning meals and making them for us. I hope this is something that continues well after quarantine!
That is definitely a good perk!
We’ve definitely had more positive outcomes through all of this than negative. I’m still ready for it to be over though so we can travel again.
I agree I’m ready to travel too!
We have worked from home, supported local restaurants, spent time with each other, and enjoyed our campground. It’s the little things that make us happy! I did take a couple of online courses, shew it’s been a while since I’ve been in school.
Thanks for reading!
This has been a crazy time and we have learned a lot over the last little while.
We sure have learned a lot!
Staying at home is not as new to me as it is to others, but I have definitely felt the difference of not being able to go whenever I want! I have taken a few online classes and it has been great!
It is strange not going places! Thanks for reading!
It is nice to see so many people finding the positives of being from home. I work from home anyway so not much has changed other than I can not book blogging trips but we took some big ones right before this happened. I am ready to get back out there!
I’m ready to get out there too!
Aside from spending more time with the kiddos… hubby and I still work outside the home… not much has changed for us. I had time to finally start my blog! So that’s my big thing!
Starting your blog is big! Congrats!
I agree there are some very positive things that have come out of staying home, I am so grateful for the extra time I have to use on so many other things that I have been wanting to do but never could.
There are many positives!
So much negativity with this virus that it is nice to see and reflect on all the positive things. I’m at home but my husband is still going to work every day. I enjoy being able to do all the extra little things for him now that I have more time. I’ve always loved to cook but now, dinners are a bit more creative and fun! Plus, it’s something that I really enjoy! That is my positive take-away.
That’s cool! I’m glad something good has come from this time at home!
I love the focus on the positive, because there IS so much positive in this if we just look for it. I love this blog and your style of writing.
Thanks! I’m going to go and read yours too!
What a great read! Loved it thank you for sharing!
Thanks for reading!
I love all of this! My favorite things have been spending a lot of time with my sweet little boys. I have also gotten extra creative with projects and ideas!!
That’s cool! Thanks for reading!
There have been many positive things for sure. Love the hashbrown waffles…haha. But in addition, taking a deep breath on things for sure. Thanks for your post.
Thank you for reading!
My favorite has been more time with my husband. We were just married 7 months ago and had such busy work schedules. We are both teachers. Now we work from home and teach online and have more time to be together 🙂
That’s nice! Thanks for reading!
This is a fantastic post! I was actually telling my husband yesterday that while this virus is a negative there have been some positive outcomes to it as well! I have always wondered what it would be like to work from home and after actually doing it I realized how challenging it is! I actually started my blog after being sheltered at home! I definitely agree that spending time with my significant other has been great and I actually look forward to going outside for a walk when I used to take it for granted previously!
I agree! Thanks for reading!
This is a great reminder to keep a positive outlook on everything, thank you!
Thanks for reading!
Poppie is adorable. My top positive has been spending more time with hubby. He’s been working from home 2-3 days a week (he manages a physician’s office and they work in teams during this time). I have worked at home since 2001 so this was not a big change for me. We’ve done a lot less cooking and supporting local restaurants as we can too. That’s been nice but I can’t say I cooked much at all before this so I’m sure hubby is loving take out.
Your land is beautiful. I have been putting dream lake houses on a vision board (along with a camper and new truck lol). We need to get on the water and I think we would rather live on a lake than beach. But truly either would be a winner in my book.
I took living on a lake for granted before, it’s a blessing! Thanks for reading!
As a high school student that had to miss her graduation, I was a bit upset about the quarantine. But this has given me time to reflect. I have made better choices on who I follow on social media, started my own theatre blog and have gotten to work on theatre things since there is so much time on my hands. This time has been given to me and I have been preparing for college and just doing this I ENJOY doing!! It’s amazing. I am very lucky that I am able to do that and very thankful for the time!
yep, some things that have happened are hard to accept, I’m glad you are finding some positive things too!
When this all started I was working from home, then after a few weeks I was put on furlough. But that happened for a reason & I am not going to worry about it. Being at home has been mostly an enjoyable time. Of course being in a house all together sometimes brings fussing but hey we are human, it happens. But I have also found out I just love being at home w/my loved ones. I was home almost 5 years and going back to work was a real big adjustment. (Yes I am looking forward to being back at work) but being home means, no rushing, no traffic, no place to go, it means you can actually enjoy life for a change. Actually carry on a conversation w/your family, find out how they are really doing. Yes, both my kids are still working thanks to the food industry, but I’m home w/them when I am usually working have brought us closer together. Having family dinners at our table has always been important to me & I have always done that as much as possible even when they were at a young age, but now, we can do it again & not be in a rush to go here or do homework or clean up so you can go to bed & start another day. It’s about talking while we eat, sitting on the porch or patio, it’s kind of like being on vacation while being at home, no set schedule. Cathy, I enjoyed reading your blog & I look forward to the next entry. I miss seeing your smiling face, but I am really jealous of your plan to visit all 50 states……maybe one day that can be my & my husbands plan
It’s good to hear from you! I hope you stay well! Thanks for reading!
Nice view! Yes, it’s hard being a travel blogger when we can’t travel, but there are so many positive trade offs! Great job in finding the silver lining!
Thanks! It will be nice to travel again!
I have started my working at home journey during this time and I’m so thankful to be able to be home with our daughter. I couldn’t imagine it any other way!
That’s great!
Wow Cathy! What a great post! I, too, have actually enjoyed being home. It’s saved me two hours a day in travel/drive time. But other than that, it’s really nothing different, as I’ve also been fortunate enough to work from home. Well, I lie, it’s TOTALLY different, as I’m working, trying to focus, and having to watch my two and three year old all alone too as their daycare is shut down! But I am also finding happiness in the small things. We like to get outside in our backyard as often as we can – it’s big, but there’s no lake LOL, so I’m slightly jealous of you! We try to find local hiking trails when the kids are in good moods lol. We’ve also been ordering more takeout, and finding time together as a family. In my opinion, those are all pluses! Hopefully we all make it through this with a new appreciation for the small things in life!
Thanks! I’m glad to hear that someone sees things the way I do! Thanks for reading!