5 Virtual Zoos – Staying Entertained While at Home

I have always enjoyed going to the zoo! It’s really the animals that I love! There was a time that I thought I might become a veterinarian to help animals, but then I discovered I really can’t bear to see any injured animals, and that would have been part of the job. Now, I give to zoos and conservation centers to help with wildlife conservation and rehabilitation.

Virtual Zoos

This post is about some great Virtual Zoo websites and Zoo Cams. Since most of us are sheltering at home, we have had to find things to occupy our time, and if you have small children, that is even more challenging. I have seen some zoo videos and animal cams come across my social media feeds, so I thought I would research some of these zoos. Not only did I want to watch the live animal cams now, I also put these zoos on my list of “must-see” places to visit later in person. We are all hoping that there will be a return to “normal” life soon, I am confident that there will be, but when? My thought, is that a zoo might we able to open sooner than other places? Most are pretty wide open, would social-distancing be possible there? I don’t have any answers to these questions, but I do know that every place will be open one day! In the meantime, we need to have some fun things to do at home and a way to keep our dreams of future vacations alive! I found quite a few zoos that have animal videos as well as live streaming(animal cams) with some of your favorite animals! There are many zoos across the United States that are providing some kind of online experience. I have come up with a list of 5 that I think are doing a great job! If they have a Penguin cam, I’m all in!

A pair of Penguins
A pair of Penguins

5 Virtual Zoos

  1. Milwaukee Zoo, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  2. San Diego Zoo, SanDiego, California
  3. Kansas City Zoo, Kansas City, Missouri
  4. Smithsonian’s National Zoo, Washington, DC
  5. Zoo Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia

1. The Milwaukee Zoo

I admit that I picked this one because I am from Wisconsin and I have been there in person, but honestly, they have a great Virtual Zoo too! On their website, you can “Check in on the animals”, they have many live streaming animal cams to choose from;

  • Polar Bears
  • Jaguars
  • Humboldt Penguins
  • Amur Rigers
  • African Lions
  • Hyenas
  • Lake Wisconsin Aquatic & Reptile Center

You have to go to zooview.tv to check out these animal cams. They also have several videos you can watch including; Train Virtual Ride, Giraffes, and Hippo Patty. I have been going to the Milwaukee Zoo since I was a small child. If you ever get a chance to go there, you won’t be disappointed! In the meantime, we will have to settle for a Virtual Zoo.

2. The San Diego Zoo

I have actually been to this one too, but it was many, many years ago! It is an amazing zoo and definitely worth the trip! It was voted the #1 zoo in the World! This zoo has a great website with many Wildlife Live Cams

  • Baboon Cam
  • Penguin Cam
  • Panda Cam – Archive
  • Polar Cam
  • Ape Cam
  • Koala Cam
  • Giraffe Cam
  • Butterfly Cam
  • Elephant Cam
  • Tiger Cam
  • Burrowing Owl Cams
  • Condor Cam

The zoo also has ZOONOOZ where you can read about different animals.

3. The Kansas City Zoo

This zoo “Brings the Zoo to You” with Videos, Hands-on Learning, and Animal Cams. They have daily live videos called, KC Zoo to You! The Hands-on Learning are downloads that you can use at home with your child/children. They have 5 Animal Cams ; Penguins, underwater Penguins, Otter, Orangutan, and Giraffe. I have never been there but it looks like a great zoo!

Ape having fun!
Apes having fun!

4. Smithsonian’s National Zoo

The National Zoo, as it is commonly called, is in Washington DC. On their website, you will find a “Virtual Zoo School” with many downloadable activities that can be done at home. You will also find live streaming animal cams Cheetah Cub Cam, naked Mole-rat Cam(not sure about this one?), Lion Cam, Giant Panda Cam, and Elephant Cam. The Smithsonian Museum is already on our list of places to see, so I think I will add the National Zoo to that trip as well!

5. Zoo Atlanta

On their website, I found many cool things to explore! Wildeverse is a downloadable game for your phone, you can find it at the App Store or Google Play. I don’t fully understand it but you can see a trailer about it on their website. You can also find “keeper stories” written by the zookeepers and the Panda Cam

This is a short list but these Virtual Zoos are worth checking out. I have been watching the underwater penguin cam since I found it! If you have children at home, there is a wealth of information and downloadables to keep them happy and occupied. I do hope and pray that we will be out enjoying a “normal” life again soon. In the meantime, let’s help each other get through this! Please comment below and let me know which animal cam is your favorite!

You may also enjoy this post; The Modern Zoo

67 thoughts on “5 Virtual Zoos – Staying Entertained While at Home”

  1. Why have I not thought of looking for virtual zoos?! Probably because the ones we go to here in Washington are not available and just never really thought about it with so much going on right now. Thank you for sharing. I am excited to show my toddler when he wakes up!

  2. I wrote a zoo post recently as well. Although I miss actually going to the zoo, it makes my heart happy to hear about animals who are thriving and reproducing more now that all the people aren’t there!

  3. How cool! This would so fun to experience with kids. Could even dress up as your favorite zoo animals, or make a picnic as if you were actually at the zoo!

  4. I from Wisconsin as well! I have never been to the Milwaukee zoo though. I usually go to Minnesota or Minocqua because they’re closer to me. If I ever get down my Milwaukee maybe I’ll check this out.

  5. I like the idea of a virtual zoo to supplement you zoo visits, but I don’t think it’s an adequate replacement. There’s just something about actually being there in person and getting to take in all the smells (even though many are unpleasant haha), sounds, and sights. One thing I do like about virtual zoos is that it gives you an opportunity to see some of the animals that are considered more rare, and might not be at your local zoo.

  6. It’s been so fun to let my grandson see the animals from different zoos online. He loves watching the otters!

  7. Virtual zoos are a great idea! It can be a fun experience for adults and kids which is cool. I know I’ve been seeing the Cincinnati Zoo’s Facebook live videos coming up on my newsfeed daily for the past month or so.

  8. Thank you for sharing so much information about virtual zoo. I miss travel right now, and seeing animals on web cams is a great distraction!

  9. This is awesome. Thank for putting this list together. I love visiting zoos and aquariums and to not be able to when the weather gets nicer, is sad. I’ve actually been watching The Zoo on Animal Planet to get my fix!

  10. Oh so cool. I am going to have to check out the Smithsonian Zoo. Everytime I have been there I haven’t taken the time because there is so many other Smithsonians to see so I skip that but now I can. super cool

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