What is a cautionary tale? A cautionary tale is a tale told in folklore, to warn its hearer of a danger.
This is an unusual story. I think it falls under the category of “Adventures”, although it is not one that we chose. One evening last fall, Terry and I were relaxing in our Family room watching TV when all of a sudden I saw something coming down the hallway! What is that? It looked like something flying toward me. There WAS something flying toward me, it was a Bat!

So many questions! How did it get into our house? why is it flying around our Family room? How do we catch it? Will it land in my hair? Will it bite us? Immediately, our dog, Poppie(an Eskimo Dog), became alert and started chasing the bat around in circles, from the Family room through the kitchen and into the Living room. Around and Around they went. At one point, the bat landed on the floor and I thought Poppie had him, but he took flight again! I sat in my chair with my head covered under a blanket. My husband got a broom and tried to get the bat to go out the front door. Eventually, Poppie cornered him and that was that! We had only intended on chasing the bat out the door but we could not control our dog at that point, the bat was dead. It turned out to be a good thing.

We put the bat in a plastic bag out on our front porch. We intended to just throw it away, but then it hit me! Maybe it could have rabies! I don’t know why I had that thought, maybe because it had been in our house and that our dog had come in contact with it. Anyway, the next morning we contacted the County Health Department. They came out and took the bat for testing. It didn’t take long to receive the call that it did indeed have RABIES! We received many calls from various departments. They wanted to make sure our dog was up to date on his rabies shots. They asked us all kinds of questions, it was suggested that we take our dog for a booster and that we might want to get the series of rabies shots ourselves. WHAT? Rabies shots! My mind went to the “olden days”, doesn’t that mean like 15 shots in the stomach! WHAT?
We took Poppie the next day for his booster shot, the County wanted to quarantine him at their facility for 30 days, but since he was up to date on his shots, they agreed that we could just watch him at home. We were supposed to watch him at home for 6 weeks! He never developed any symptoms, YAY! I guess that having a rabid bat in your house was a big deal in our County. The local TV News channel came to our house for an interview, and all our neighbors were asking us questions. We were celebrities!
This is the worst part of my story and our “Adventure”. We were told that the rabies virus is found in the bat’s saliva so it may have gotten on us while we were sleeping or had bitten us without us knowing. We really didn’t know how long the bat had been in our house. If you develop Rabies, it is almost always fatal! There is no cure! So we decided it is better to be safe than sorry.
The good news is that the series of shots are no longer given in the stomach, YAY! The bad news is that we had to go to the Emergency Room since that is the only place that has the rabies shots. The amount of shots needed is partially determined by your weight, I really wish I had stuck with that diet! My husband and I had to get 10 shots each on our first visit to the ER. One in each arm and four in each thigh! We had 2 nurses “tag-teaming” us, one on each side giving shots simultaneously! It really wasn’t as bad as it sounds, the needles were small. That wasn’t all though, we had to go 3 more times in the next 2 weeks for booster shots! The second set of shots were just one each time and could be given at Urgent Care.
*Just a note; the ER is so much more expensive! If it happens to you, go to Urgent care for all the shots*
*Another note; the series of shots are extremely expensive! I’m talking about $35,000! The good thing is that our insurance did not deem these charges as reasonable, so we are paying about 1/3 of that charge(which is still bad enough)!
The last part of my story is how we protected our home from another unwanted visitor. We never really found out how the bat got in. Our theory is that it flew into the attic through a roof vent and then into our house through a small opening in the door of the attic. We had a bat specialist,(wildlife management agent), come to the house. He did see some evidence of bats in our attic and he saw several places on the roof vent areas where a bat could get in. He put up screening everywhere!
The good news is that we are all safe and sound today, and free from bats and rabies! We were told that we are immune to rabies for 10 years! Maybe I will open a bat farm?
Has this happened to you? Please leave a comment! Remember to share with your family & friends on your social media pages.
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Wow, That is an adventure!! That is too bad the rabies shots are not covered by the insurance! Bummer. I can’t believe it actually had rabies!
I can’t believe it either! It was a very strange experience!
This is a very good reason to make sure your roof vents and roof are all sealed up. Yuck! When I took my daughter’s Girl Scout troop camping we went on a night hike and saw bats flying around in the sky. It was pretty cool to see them against the night sky but I would not want to encounter one in my house. Double Yuck!!
I’m sorry to hear you have to pay any of the cost of the shots. It is a life and death scenario, after all, the insurance company should have paid the full amount after your deductible.
It was a strange experience…and yes, it was very yucky to have a bat flying through my house! I guess the insurance company didn’t see it as life and death?
Woah, that is quite the adventure! Your pup is the hero. Can’t believe they say it could have bit you without you knowing. That’s crazy!
It was kinda crazy, we couldn’t take a chance.
What a crazy adventure! Something similar happened to one of my friends, she had a newborn baby at the time. I love bats but definitely don’t want them in my house!
I never had a problem with bats.. it was a crazy adventure!
This is crazy scary! I would have never thought about any of this. And the price of the shots was insane! I’m glad that all of you are ok. What an experience!
It was a crazy experience!
Wow! How scary to learn the bat in your home had rabies (and that the shots are so expensive)! So appreciate this cautionary tale! And the thoughts that the bat could have bitten you without you knowing really creeps me out. Thankfully your experience will help educate others. My sister had to get rabies when she was young after a squirrel bit her. We couldn’t find the squirrel to be tested so she had to get the rabies shots in her stomach (this was back in the 70s). Not fun!
I am thankful that the shots weren’t that bad… I feel bad for your sister, that had to hurt!
OMG.. this is horrifying! Stories like this make me want to call someone to check out the house to make sure there are no bats anywhere. Thank goodness you were all okay. Oh and 35,000 for a rabies shot?!?! Wow!!!
It was a crazy experience. Very unexpected! I would have someone check the attic(if you have one)
Wow! What an “adventure” for sure! I love bats, but not up close and personal like that. Yikes! I’m glad everyone is healthy and unharmed, but who knew you’d have to go through all of that even when you weren’t bitten?
It was a crazy adventure! It’s too risky not to get the shots.
That’s a scary story. I often hear that bats and rabies are old wive’s tales. Sorry it turned out to be true.
It was very unexpected that the bat had rabies! We didn’t know what to do but decided we couldn’t take the risk of not getting the shots.
O M G!!!!! What a story! I had no idea there was no cure for rabies. I thought the worst that could happen is you get lockjaw or something. Maybe that is tetanus. Either way YIKES!
I didn’t know it was fatal either..even if we didn’t know if we had been infected, we couldn’t take the risk.
I was in an identical situation as a kid! One night we were watching tv and I spotted a bat circling our living room fan as it spun overhead. I freaked out and hid under a blanket with my mom and brother while my dad chased it out the door using a couch cushion as a shield while it swooped him. Rabies never occurred to us, and it flew away before he could catch it. We never figured out how it got in or how long it had been there either. But the whole rabies shot process that you explained is good to know.
It’s a scary situation and we didn’t know what to do? but we eventually decided to get the shots